Menstrual Cup

    Menstrual Cup FAQs

    Up close and personal with a menstrual cup!

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    "Cup-curious? All you need to know about the menstrual cup!"

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      "Cup-curious? All you need to know about the menstrual cup!"

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      Why should I choose a Menstrual Cup instead of pads

      Why should I choose a Menstrual Cup instead of pads

      Look, everyone has their preferences and that’s entirely up to you! Which is why you’ll find so many different options of period products available out there - we all have different needs and priorities when it comes to our comfort! Depending on your reasoning about making the switch, you’ll find that the menstrual cup has some of the best advantages:

      • A menstrual cup produces less waste and is more environmentally friendly
      • Your BeYou cup is reusable and will save you loads of money in the long-term
      • Menstrual cups don’t contain toxic chemicals that affect your pH balance

      If you’re an avid-pad user then you know all about the fear of leaks and stains when your pad is feeling that slight-bit too full in a dire situation! By switching to a menstrual cup you’ll be saying goodbye to those terrible irritations of a pad and chafing from those wings! With your BeYou Menstrual Cup you can finally wear those sleek thongs at any time you want(although, you’re still more likely to find us on the couch, munching on chocolate)

      Menstrual cups are extremely discreet and comfortable. You’ll find that because they’re inserted inside of you they’re less likely to shift or leak, thanks to the tight suction seal formed by the rim! You can wear a BeYou Menstrual Cup for up to 12 hours at a time, depending on how heavy your cycle is and what day of your flow you’re on. It is advisable to empty your cup every 4 hours, even if you can keep it in for a maximum of 12 hours - it’s always good to check in on your flow, as you never really know sometimes!

      A menstrual cup won’t give off a strange smell, like the strong odours you get from a menstrual pad. This is just because the blood inside a menstrual cup isn’t exposed to as much air as it is on a pad.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      Why should I choose a Menstrual Cup instead of tampons?

      Why should I choose a Menstrual Cup instead of pads

      Although a menstrual cup and tampon are inserted in a similar way, they way they both function is very different. A tampon absorbs the liquid within your vagina, whereas the BeYou Menstrual Cup collects and holds the fluid, until you remove the cup. That’s why a menstrual cup is less likely to leak. Unlike a tampon, the BeYou Cup is made from a super soft medical-grade silicone which protects the natural pH balance that won’t lead to vaginal dryness and doesn’t contain any toxic chemicals that could harm your body!

      Because a tampon holds the moisture that is kept exposed within your vagina, you need to change your tampon every 4 hours maximum to avoid infection or irritation. With the suction seal formed with your cup, it’s safe to wear for up to 12 hours and holds more fluid than a tampon(Also why you’re less likely to leak!)

      When it comes to environmental factors, you’ll know that tampons aren't recyclable for sanitary reasons, nor are they reusable either. Non-recyclable period products have a drastic effect on the environment. It may not be quite clear why at first, but think about how much waste that is when there are over 800 million women on their period at the same time, at any given day of the year. Think of just how much waste and pollution is saved(as well as money) when you can use one menstrual cup for a period of 10 years at a time!

      Should you end up making a switch to the BeYou cup, you’ll probably find yourself asking why you haven’t done it sooner!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      How old do you need to be to try a Menstrual Cup?

      You don’t need to be a certain age to use any type of period products, and this is certainly the same for menstrual cups. No matter what age you are, the moment you start menstruating you will want to find the most comfortable and suitable period product for you.

      Just like if you had to start with any other menstrual product, it might take some practice and self-exploring. After all, using a tampon for the first time definitely doesn’t come as second-nature, the first few times.

      It’s the same as with any person on their period, no matter your age. It’s just about finding the position and fit favourable for you. So many women using a menstrual cup come back to us and tell us how much better they’ve gotten to know themselves and their bodies, and that is never a bad thing, no matter what age you start using a menstrual cup!

      My advice would be: give yourself time to try different folds and positions and get used to the menstrual cup, just like you would do with a tampon or a sanitary pad. Your blood will help make inserting a period product smoother and gentler, so go ahead and make a ‘bloody mess’! It’s the one time you’ll want to!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      Will a Menstrual Cup fit inside my vagina?

      Will a Menstrual Cup fit inside my vagina?

      I don’t know about you, but the idea of fitting anything inside of us is daunting! And no matter how pretty your BeYou Menstrual Cup may look and feel, that little voice in the back of your head will definitely pop up and say ‘Oh hell no! No way is that going to go in and come back out again!”

      Will a Menstrual Cup fit inside my vagina?,nmt:

      You may have heard this somewhere before, but size doesn’t matter. Although they are bigger than a tampon, it’s much the same! Just like with a tampon, sanitary pad or any other menstrual product - there’s a bit of practice that first goes into it.

      Will a Menstrual Cup fit inside my vagina?

      Remember that your vagina is able to move, expand, and bend. It’s one of many incredible features in our anatomy! With the right position, fit and how you insert your menstrual cup, it shouldn’t hurt. You can feel a bit of discomfort at first if you haven’t found the right technique yet, but this will only point you in the right direction of discovering what does work better for you.

      Will a Menstrual Cup fit inside my vagina?

      We’ve got all of the tips and tricks to a menstrual cup under the sun available for you, each having been tried and tested.

      Before we get into that, you’ll need to know that every fold, position and fit is entirely dependent on your anatomy! Drop, squat, or raise a leg - you’re bound to find that ‘aha’ moment, the more you practice and overcome the block of putting a cup inside of your vagina.

      We can promise you that there probably isn’t a single question we haven’t seen before! So just drop us a DM and we’ll be there to help!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Getting Started

      Isn’t it really hard to get the hang of using a Menstrual Cup?

      It can be. For some using a menstrual cup is simpler than they thought it would be. It’s totally common for it to take 1-3 cycles of adjusting to your BeYou Cup. Everyone is so different and you’ll get to know so much about yourself in terms of what position to use, which folds to try and which cup size is best for you! I’m sure you’ll learn it, but don’t get upset if it takes longer than you think. But hey, it might even surprise you!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      Is a Menstrual Cup painful?

      So many women wonder if a menstrual cup is painful, but you’ll be happy to know that the answer is no! A menstrual cup can be so comfortable, you won’t even notice it’s there!

      Discomfort is common for the first few times, until you find the spot. It will take some time adjusting at first, just like it did when you started with other sanitary products. And if you’re worried about the size of a menstrual cup, you may just be surprised by how much our vagina’s can expand and bend to accommodate you! If a baby can fit down there, then you’ll be good!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      Is a Menstrual Cup painful to wear when I’m out and about?

      You’ll be surprised by just how comfortable the BeYou cup is, especially when you’re out in public and don’t even take notice of it inside of you!

      Once you’re used to inserting the cup and you’ve found the right fit, you won’t notice your cup at all. If you do, it may be that you’ve inserted it differently than the last time, this is the same as with a tampon. Just remove it and insert it again when you get the chance to!/p>

      If you are still feeling pain or discomfort when you’re wearing the cup, it could be down to the shape, size or even stem of the cup. You can always decide to cut the stem of your menstrual cup after using it regularly, if you feel it will be more comfortable for you. If you’re not sure, give us a shout and we’re happy to try to figure it out with you!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      Will I be able to feel the Menstrual Cup inside me at all?

      With the right shape and cup size, you shouldn’t feel it at all. Thank goodness you can keep it in for up to 12 hours, because many end up forgetting it’s actually still inside of you! If you’re feeling pain when your menstrual cup is inside of you, then you may want to look into trimming the stem of the cup or readjust the cup by inserting it again.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      Can you feel a Menstrual Cup when it's inside?

      Nope! Sorry to disappoint you if you were hoping to feel your menstrual cup, but once you have the right cup size and fit, you shouldn’t feel the cup at all! You’ll love that you can swim with your BeYou cup, avoiding the chance of a tampon string waving to the crowd!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      Will a Menstrual Cup feel the same as a tampon when it’s inside me?

      Menstrual cups are made of different materials compared to a tampon, which will feel differently inside of you. With almost all menstrual cups being made out of silicone or latex, they will feel a lot smoother than a tampon.

      A tampon absorbs the blood and the moisture within your vagina, which is why sometimes you end up feeling very dry. Especially towards the end of your period, you’ll notice that the dryness can cause uncomfortable friction.

      Maintaining this moisture in your vagina is important, because that is where you get your healthy bacteria from which protects you from vaginal infections. A lot of the times a vaginal infection can be triggered by a lack of moisture in your vagina that is brought on by a tampon.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Getting Started

      Does inserting a Menstrual Cup hurt?

      With your favourite fold, inserting a cup inside of you shouldn’t hurt or be painful. The entire process of inserting your BeYou cup shouldn’t hurt you. Keeping in mind that at first you will need to find what works, and that in itself may take some trial and error. You can take a look at different ways to fold your BeYou cup or the best positions to insert your cup.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      Does removing a Menstrual Cup hurt?

      It’s slightly different, because the cup isn’t folded the same way as when you first put the cup inside of you. But if you make sure you break the vacuum seal of the rim of the cup, it shouldn’t cause any pain.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      Can a Menstrual Cup spill over inside me and leak everywhere?

      Can a Menstrual Cup spill over inside me and leak everywhere?

      Your BeYou Menstrual Cup won’t spill or leak inside of you. Because, when you insert it correctly just below your cervix, it will create a vacuum seal and won’t move. It works just like a suction cup and will stay in place until you break the seal and empty it out.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      Is it possible for the blood in my Menstrual Cup to backflow?

      Can a Menstrual Cup spill over inside me and leak everywhere?

      That’s not how your cervix is built–thank goodness! It’s like a dripping tap: the menstrual cup covers the head of your cervix, catching the drops of blood. Your period has nowhere else to go, but inside your cup.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      Will a menstrual cup hurt me like a tampon does?

      Cups and tampons are made from different materials and this will have a big effect on how it feels inside of you. Where a tampon is made to absorb the moisture, it can also cause friction and dryness. This is why many will find tampons are quite painful and irritating. A menstrual cup will feel smoother because of the medical-grade silicone or latex, both don’t have moisture absorbing properties as a menstrual cup will collect your period instead of absorbing it.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      I’m scared a Menstrual Cup might get lost inside me!

      I’m scared a Menstrual Cup might get lost inside me!

      Looking at the anatomy of your reproductive system, there isn’t anywhere for the cup to get lost in! Your cervix is like the end of a rubber balloon, and inside lies your uterus. You can reach the entrance of your cervix and touch the tip of it with your finger sometimes, but you can’t go any further than that (unless you’re sperm).

      Not to mention, your entire body is filled out with organs, nerves and such, so there isn’t any space for your menstrual cup to wander off to! Which is exactly why your cup has absolutely no chance of taking a little trip inside of you. Unfortunately, this cup has no aspirations to travel. Instead, it fits quite comfortably between the vagina walls, beneath your cervix and catches your period.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      Can a Menstrual Cup get stuck?

      Okay, imagine it like this: your cervix is the gatekeeper to your uterus. It’s sole purpose is to keep a clear and direct path open for sperm, and sperm alone. Not even your BeYou cup has special access. With this in mind, the only way that your menstrual cup goes in, is the same way it has to come back out.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      How do you remove your menstrual cup without making a mess?

      You can easily remove your menstrual cup without making a mess or spilling. All the blood is caught inside of the cup, which you won’t be touching when you remove your cup. The only part that you may find messy is inserting the cup and this is the same process as when you use a tampon. You can just wash your hands afterwards and use a piece of toilet paper to wipe it down.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      Can I sleep with a Menstrual Cup in like I can with tampons?

      Can I sleep with a Menstrual Cup in like I can with tampons?

      Yeah, this is the dream! The BeYou menstrual cup can be used for up to 12 hours, and we recommend emptying it every 4-8 hours. So empty and rinse your menstrual cup before you go to sleep and then just wake up, empty it out and then you can continue to use it for the rest of the day.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Getting Started

      Can you sleep with a menstrual cup in, like you do with a tampon?

      You can sleep with a menstrual cup in. It’s even more safe to sleep with a menstrual cup, than with a tampon in, because you don’t have to remove it for up to 12 hours. If you’ve inserted a cup correctly, you shouldn’t be able to notice it at all,even when you are asleep. That’s what makes it such a great choice, because you don’t have to wake up with a smelly, moist pad that leaked or even worse-a forgotten tampon.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      Can I use a pantyliner or pad with my Menstrual Cup for extra protection?

      You’ll soon realise that you don’t need the added protection with a menstrual cup, and that you won’t miss that awful dryness and chafing that a pantyliner does to your vagina! You can use it at first, if you’re worried about your menstrual cup leaking or getting the right position, but you’ll soon find that you won’t need it!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      How many ml of fluid will fit into my BeYou Menstrual Cup?

      How many ml of fluid will fit into my BeYou Menstrual Cup?

      Your BeYou Menstrual Cup is able to hold up to 15ml of fluid at a time, for 4-8 hours. With many women worried about a heavy period, you might find it reassuring to know that you’ll only bleed a total of 30-60ml of blood throughout your entire cycle. Which is why you will find that a 15ml sized-cup is more than enough for 4 hours at time–you may even find that your period won’t even fill it up that much!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      How often should I be emptying my Menstrual Cup?

      We would recommend emptying your BeYou Menstrual Cup every 4-8 hours, even though you can keep it in for up to 12 hours at a time. Either way, you can keep the cup inside of you for longer than a tampon, but it all depends on your flow and how heavy it is, as well as what you’re busy doing throughout the day or night.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      Does a Menstrual Cup smell or have an odour like sanitary pads and tampons can?

      Not really, the only time your period will start to smell is once it’s exposed to air-which from the inside of your vagina, along with the vacuum seal, is minimal. The only time an odor or type of smell could develop from your menstrual cup is if you wear the cup for longer than 12 hours at a single time, and that’s not recommended.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      What else should I know before I switch to using a Menstrual Cup?

      The menstrual cup is more intimate than pads and can take up to 2-3 cycles to get used to, which is a little longer than usual sanitary products. It goes along with getting to know yourself and your body, which is actually a great deal as to why so many have turned to menstrual cups. It’s more than just supporting you during your period, it’s a step closer to getting to know yourself a little more, and on a level that is commonly left unexplored. A menstrual cup is safer for the environment, as well as reduces the cost of femcare products, all whilst breaking a boundary set up between ourselves and our bodies. It’s a step in so many right directions!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      What if my parents don’t support my decision to use a Menstrual Cup?

      Your parents may have some other concerns which may be valid when it comes to you trying the cup, so it’s worth having that open discussion and explaining why you both are for or against trying a menstrual cup. Your parents may not be as aware of the benefits of a menstrual cup yet, such as environmental reasons, or that you’ll be saving money in the short and long-term, or that other products don’t suit you for specific purposes.

      Also, cups can be daunting the first time that you hear about them, so maybe your parents just need to warm up to the idea and learn a bit more about why you would want to try a menstrual cup. You can compare the menstrual cup with tampons and share your own personal reasoning with them. Try to open up the conversation to gain a better understanding, from both of your ends. After all, they have your best interests at heart!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      How can I convince my daughter to try a Menstrual Cup?

      Be aware that the first idea of a menstrual cup can shock some and many overthink it at first. It takes some time realising that it’s not as complicated as it may seem! There are many reasons why you would want to try a menstrual cup, which you can discuss with her. Understand that your daughter may be scared at first and it can take a bit of research and thorough understanding, before you can decide if you want to give the cup a try.

      Do understand that everyone has their own preferences, so speak to her about her reservations with using the cup and why she wouldn’t want to try it. After all, if she’s not going to be comfortable with a cup, it’s not going to be beneficial.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      What’s the truth? Should everyone use a Menstrual Cup?

      No one should have to use anything, that’s the truth. But that’s not always an option, so it’s all about what makes you feel the most comfortable and works the best for you and your routine. Everyone is so different from one another, not just physically, and it comes down to the individual.

      The menstrual cup can take a bit of time to adjust to, but for some it brings along major ease around that time of the month, while others would prefer starting with a tampon and then slowly making their way to a cup, once you’re feeling more comfortable with your body. Either way, it’s another option that you can consider and one that steps outside of the standards set so strictly by the status quo. That’s the beauty of choice: it’s yours to make :)

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      Can I go to the toilet with a Menstrual Cup in?

      Can I go to the toilet with a Menstrual Cup in?

      Yes, you can use the toilet with your BeYou cup inside. If it’s inserted correctly and not pressing on your bladder, then you won’t even notice it and it won’t interfere. If it does hurt, make sure that you’ve inserted it correctly, it can put a bit of pressure on your bladder if you haven’t placed it correctly. If you are experiencing any more pain or discomfort then send us a message to get in touch on how we can help!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Getting Started

      How do I remove and empty my Menstrual Cup when I’m not at home?

      How do I remove and empty my Menstrual Cup when I’m not at home?

      There’s not much of a difference with removing your cup in a public toilet as to when you do it at home. The only thing that might be slightly different is how you clean your menstrual cup after you’ve emptied it out.

      Make sure to wash your hands before you remove your cup and then once you’re in the cubicle you can remove the cup as normal and empty it into the toilet bowl. If you want to give the cup a wipe with toilet tissue or your BeYou Foaming Cleanser, you can do that before you reinsert the cup.

      Then when you’re in a more convenient space, you can wash your cup as instructed by your BeYou cup cleaning guide.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      Can I do sports with a Menstrual Cup in?

      Can I do sports with a Menstrual Cup in?
      Can I do sports with a Menstrual Cup in?

      Yes, you can do any sports or exercise with your BeYou Menstrual Cup inside of you: running, swimming, cycling, yoga, whichever sport you do it won’t be a challenge for your cup!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      Will a Menstrual Cup help if I have period anxiety?

      The cup may not be able to take away your anxiety per se, but it definitely can ease your mind when it comes to always being prepared for your period and being reassured that you won’t experience any unexpected leaks or strings being revealed. The menstrual cup will have you supported for up to 12 hours every time, and takes one less thing off of your mind at the end of the day!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      Will anyone be able to tell I’m using a Menstrual Cup?

      Will anyone be able to tell I’m using a Menstrual Cup?

      Nope, not unless you tell them of course. We wouldn’t blame you if you did, though! It’s a great feeling: just being you and not caring what anyone else has to say about it!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Getting Started

      Why aren’t Menstrual Cups as popular as pads or tampons?

      That’s simply just because menstrual cups haven’t been around for as long as pads or tampons.

      With the general status quo telling us constantly what we can or cannot do, try or create, it’s taken some time to step outside of the norm and try something new and effective! The cup can seem different at first, especially when you compare it to pads or tampons but that’s only because there are so many beneficial features about the cup that haven’t been addressed before, because no one ever thought adding chemicals and toxins to your vaginal pH balance was a problem.

      The menstrual cup era has been adopted extremely quickly by women and people with periods, and it’s no surprise!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      Can I use a menstrual cup if I’m going into menopause?

      The menstrual cup is a reliable option for your menstrual transition to menopause. You’re going to be facing unexpected changes to your period. Your flow may fluctuate and become quite unpredictable, therefore, you may not have the wide range of period products available at the drop of a hat.

      The last thing you want is to feel uncomfortable and irritable during this time. Which is why the menstrual cup is a great support, as it adapts to you and once you have it, it will always be there to use when you need it! You’ll be able to keep track of your period, using the measurements on the side of your BeYou cup to monitor any changes to your period. It’s a great way of simplifying your life that little bit more.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Getting Started

      How much money will I save by using a Menstrual Cup every month?

      Oh, we love working out how much money we can save, just by making a simple switch to a cup for the rest of our lives! If you switch to a BeYou cup at the age of 25 years old, you will be able to save 25.11kg of waste and £459 until menopause!*

      The results will absolutely shock you and have you thinking why you didn’t do this sooner! This is why we’ve created a menstrual calculator, to do all the math for you! You just need to put in your age that you switched to a menstrual cup and we’ll do the maths for you!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      Are Menstrual Cups better for the environment than pads and tampons

      Are Menstrual Cups better for the environment than pads and tampons

      Many people make the switch to a menstrual cup for the environment, in support of an eco-friendly lifestyle. Menstrual cups produce a substantially smaller amount of waste than sanitary pads do, as together, pads and tampons are responsible for around 200,000 tonnes of waste each year-mostly from plastic!

      This is because pads are mostly made up of 90% of plastic, which doesn’t biodegrade and takes at least 500 years to decompose. The menstrual cup can be recycled and also saves you on purchasing any other period product for almost an entire decade, reducing the amount of single-use waste. Unlike the menstrual cup, when pads are incinerated they release toxic fumes, as well as carbon dioxide, into the atmosphere.

      Are Menstrual Cups better for the environment than pads and tampons

      Nearly all tampons contain some sort of plastic, even if it’s not visible at first glance. You can find plastic in the strings, and just like a pad, a tampon takes hundreds of years to decompose.

      Many are switching out tampons for menstrual cups because tampons have harsh toxins and chemicals that not only affect the environment but can also affect the natural balance of your pH levels in your vagina. The BeYou Menstrual Cup doesn’t contain any chemicals or nasties and is completely plastic-free, because it's made from medical-grade silicone.

      Many people forget that although you can technically recycle plastic applicators, they are not usually accepted by recycling units due to sanitary reasons.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Getting Started

      How do you recycle a Menstrual Cup?

      How do you recycle a Menstrual Cup?

      One of the biggest positives of owning a menstrual cup is how it will benefit the environment and support an eco-conscious life. This is probably why you’re looking into buying one!

      Now, with the menstrual cup lasting for up to 10 years, you’ll not only be saving money but tonnes of waste material too from ending up in landfill(you can see just how much, with our own menstrual cup calculator) But, when it does come to the time where you need to replace your cup, you’ll want to know how to go about it.

      Silicone can be recycled, but it might be a little tricky to find a facility at first that does recycle small quantities of silicone. You can contact your local recycling centre and find out if they will accept your menstrual cup.

      A menstrual cup contains no harmful chemicals, so you can also cut it up into fine pieces and add it to the soil of a plant or in your garden, even plant a little plant IN your cup (a cute small one) or just burn it up into ash and it won’t release any toxic fumes. Burning it will take a bit of a leap though, as silicon can withstand heat of up to 500 degrees - so take caution and turn to using a wood stove or a bonfire.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

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      What do I do with my current menstrual products if I switch to the cup?

      If you’re making the switch to have a more eco-friendly period , then throwing out your menstrual products seems like you’re defying the purpose! There are many women’s shelters which will happily accept your unused, menstrual products! Some shelters may have different rules regarding whether the products have already been opened, therefore, contact them before you just go and drop them off somewhere. If that may cause a problem, you can always give them to a friend who hasn’t made the switch to a cup just yet!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

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      Is the BeYou Menstrual Cup vegan-friendly and cruelty-free?

      Yes, both the BeYou Menstrual Cup and Menstrual Cup Foaming Cleanser are both vegan-friendly and cruelty-free. It can be so difficult to find vegan-friendly products for your period, which is why we made sure to take extra care to support our environment and those walking on it! Our products contain no nasties and have been approved by the Vegan Society.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

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      What is the BeYou Menstrual Cup made from?

      Our BeYou cup is made from super-soft and flexible medical-grade silicone. We chose to use medical-grade silicone as it is a safe material to be inserted inside the vagina, which is also kind to all skin types. The BeYou menstrual cup is free from any chemicals or toxins to protect the natural pH balance in your vagina.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

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      What does ‘medical-grade’ silicone mean?

      The medical-grade silicone that you’ll find in our BeYou Menstrual Cups, is typically referred to as medical-healthcare grade, class VI silicone which is tested for biocompatibility.

      Medical-grade silicone is the typical choice for a wide range of products such as baby bottle nipples, scuba mouthpieces, as well as products that come in contact with food and skin, as the silicone creates watertight seals and contains antimicrobial properties which also protects the natural balance within your vagina.

      Medical-grade silicone is also hardwearing and withstands UV light sterilization, for the BeYou Menstrual Cup to last up to 10 years! Your cup is going to be with you for an entire decade!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

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      Does the BeYou Menstrual Cup contain any harmful chemicals?

      No, not only because we want to protect the environment, but because we believe in maintaining the natural balance between your body and your routine, as much as possible. That’s why our BeYou Menstrual Cup is made of 100% soft, medical-grade silicone and is manufactured without any hazardous chemicals, BPAs, latex or dyes.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      Can I use the menstrual cup if I have given birth?

      Once you’ve given birth you’ll need to get the all-clear from your doctor first before using our BeYou Menstrual Cup.

      You’ll know from your doctor that putting any foreign object, such as a cup, in your vagina after having a baby can cause an infection and may not be safe. That’s why using a menstrual cup isn’t encouraged until you’ve received the all-clear from your doctor first.

      You’ll need to give your body some time to convalesce, because your anatomy will be sore and swollen after giving birth, so that means no cups (and probably no sex either) until you have healed properly and been given the all-clear from your health care provider.

      We’re no medical experts so don’t take our word for it and everyone is different, but your bleeding could start subsiding around 6 weeks of birth. Your doctor will do a postnatal check-up and can tell you whether you have the go-ahead about starting with a menstrual cup!

      Once you’ve been given the thumbs up, you’ll find that using a menstrual cup after having a baby can be a little different, if you’ve already used one before. There are a few things you may need to adjust to since you’ve given birth, such as possibly moving up to a larger cup size, as you may notice an increase in blood, as well as a shifted position of your cervix.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      Can I use a menstrual cup if I have Endometriosis, PCOS, fibroids, vaginismus, adenomyosis or another gynaecological condition?

      When it comes to most vaginal conditions, our best advice is to speak to your healthcare provider first, before consulting anyone else–only they will truly know the details of your condition and whether using a menstrual cup will cause any conflict. You would probably know if it’s a possibility or not, before even speaking to your doctor, but we cannot speak for each personal situation and would prefer it if you felt reassured about making the switch!

      The endo community is highly involved here at BeYou, many of them loving the cup or showing an interest in wanting to make the switch to a BeYou menstrual cup. As our BeYou menstrual cup is much softer and holds more blood than a tampon, many women in the endo community found that the BeYou Menstrual Cup is great support for those unexpected symptoms. You’ll find that you don’t need to empty the cup as much as you would have to with a tampon, also leading to less friction and irritation during this time and allowing you to monitor your menstrual flow.

      When it comes to fibroids, you can wear a menstrual cup, but it’s quite dependent on your condition and we’d encourage you to consult with your doctor first. Depending on your circumstances, a fibroid tumor may get in the way for you to form that suction seal around the area of your cervix, which won’t keep the cup in place and will be rather pointless for you. That’s not to say you won’t be able to use a cup, it’s just to say that we can’t speak for everyone’s personal circumstances and it’s best to feel completely safe and reassured, if you’re thinking of making this switch.

      If you’re diagnosed with adenomyosis, then you’ll already know that your condition can set off a heavy flow. If you’re thinking of switching to a menstrual cup, but you’re wanting to know how this will affect your condition with adenomyosis, the best answer is speak to your doctor about it. The menstrual cup is a great product if you’re experiencing heavy bleeding, because you can literally empty it out whenever you need to, without the risk of leaking! You won’t run out of sanitary products, you’ll just need your BeYou cup!

      The BeYou cup is super soft and is often suitable if you have vaginismus. Using a water-based lube and our available medium-sized cups, you may find it’s a much more comfortable insertion experience. You may just require a bit more patience than usual, as the trick is to find the perfect spot that works for you, but this can be said for any menstrual cup user.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

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      Can I use a menstrual cup if I get super-heavy periods - will the Menstrual Cup overflow?

      Can I use a menstrual cup if I get super-heavy periods - will the Menstrual Cup overflow?

      The most common realisation you’ll make when you begin using your BeYou cup, is that you don’t actually bleed as much as pads and tampons have you believe.

      You actually probably only lose around 30-60ml(2-4 tablespoons) throughout your entire cycle each month. And your BeYou cup can hold up to 15ml every 4-8 hours, so you probably won’t need to worry about leaking all too much, but if you are at, you can avoid any chance of overflow by emptying out your cup more frequently, until you notice the quantity of your flow each cycle. Many women are surprised by just how much we actually bleed! All this time we’ve been under false pretense!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

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      Can I use a menstrual cup if I have, or often get, Thrush.

      The BeYou Menstrual Cup won’t give you thrush as the medical-grade silicone doesn’t absorb any of your natural fluids or protective secretions. These secretions are what protect you from developing thrush and are usually what is absorbed by the material of a tampon. This is often why you will get thrush or even vaginal infections when you’re using a tampon.

      The medical-grade silicone in our BeYou Menstrual Cup, doesn’t contain any absorptive properties, because not only does it maintain the natural pH balance of your vagina and its fluids, but will also protect you from developing thrush.

      Soap can also play a big part in the change in your pH balance. If you are using soap to clean your BeYou Menstrual Cup, then make sure that you are completely rinsing it out with water so that no traces of soap are left on the cup.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

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      Can I use a menstrual cup if I have a latex allergy?

      Our BeYou menstrual cup is made from 100% medical-grade silicon, therefore, it's free of latex materials, so this shouldn’t be a problem! There is still a slight chance that the silicone or rubber can cause an allergic reaction, but this is entirely dependent on the circumstances. If you’re unsure, consult a medical professional.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

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      Can I use a menstrual cup if I have a retroverted uterus?

      Can I use a menstrual cup if I have a retroverted uterus?

      With a retroverted uterus you will find that because the uterus is tipped or tilted, you’ll need to insert and push your cup slightly differently, to accommodate the way that your uterus is slanted. You can still use a menstrual cup, but you may want to use some extra protection for leaks the first few times that you use the cup, until you find the correct position to insert your cup.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

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      Can I use the Menstrual Cup if I’ve had a prolapse?

      The conditions of your prolapse will vary and will need to be discussed with your doctor or gynae, if you’re thinking of using a BeYou Menstrual Cup. With a pelvic prolapse, some of your pelvic organs may shift due to a weakness in the muscles of the pelvic floor, which can end up applying pressure on your vagina walls. This could have an effect on the shape of your vagina and whether the menstrual cup can fit inside of you and form that seal to keep it in place, so it’s best to find out from your healthcare provider.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

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      Can I use a Menstrual Cup if I’m currently using a Nuvaring?

      Can I use a Menstrual Cup if I’m currently using a Nuvaring?

      You can use your BeYou menstrual cup during the week that you are Nuvaring-free, but only for as long as this week that you go without the ring. Once you reinsert the Nuvaring, we wouldn’t recommend using the menstrual cup, just so that it doesn’t interfere with your contraceptive method.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      Can I use a menstrual cup if I have a Mirena coil or IUD fitted?

      Can I use a menstrual cup if I have a Mirena coil or IUD fitted?

      Yes, you can use a menstrual cup if you have an IUD inserted inside of you.

      If you’ve had the coil or IUD fitted for more than 3 months, before starting to use the menstrual cup, then there is less of a chance that your menstrual cup will interfere with your IUD. It’s more common for your IUD/IUS to be expelled naturally by your body within the first 3 months that it’s inserted and isn’t triggered by the cup, but instead that the IUD/IUS is expelled by your body during your cycle.

      It can happen that an IUD or mirena coil is dislodged from using a menstrual cup, and that’s simply from personal experiences within your anatomy and comes down to the individual. If you’re breaking the seal of your cup, before removing it then there is nothing to worry about!

      If you’re using a menstrual cup with your IUD, check for your strings after every period. This is a common practice, throughout having your coil, whether you’re using a cup or not. You also want to keep some space between your BeYou cup and your vaginal cervix, so if you feel that your cervix is quite low, you may want to consider other options that won’t interfere with your IUD/IUS

      If you feel like your IUD has shifted or is causing you some discomfort or pain, consider getting checked by a doctor and start using additional contraceptive measures, like a condom to tread on the side of caution until you’re reassured of your IUD placement.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      Can I use a Menstrual Cup if I have a high cervix? I’m not sure if the stem will be too long, stick out or irritate my labia

      Can I use a Menstrual Cup if I have a high cervix? I’m not sure if the stem will be too long, stick out or irritate my labia

      You’ll want to measure your cervix height throughout your period to see how this changes on heavy or light days. Once you’ve tried the menstrual cup for about 3 cycles long, you’ll have a better idea as to whether to cut the stem or not. You can always cut the stem more, so rather cut too little the beginning than too much.

      The way your cervix shifts during your flow can affect how the cup will feel and fit for you, but there unfortunately isn’t a simple answer for everyone. Some cup users even use two different sized cups throughout their flow, one for lighter flow days and one for when you’re experiencing heavier bleeding. It’s entirely up to you!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      Can I use the Menstrual Cup if I’m a virgin? Will the cup just sit against my hymen then or will it break it?

      Your hymen is a thin, elastic membrane that partially covers your vagina. When you’re using a menstrual cup, technically you can gently push the cup past your hymen, because it’s able to stretch around the cup. However, there is a chance to tear your hymen, but this can be done with any type of activity–not just from using a menstrual cup.

      Even if you haven’t had any penetrative sex or masturbation, you can still wear the BeYou Menstrual Cup. If you’re worried about inserting the cup, the only difference is that you may feel some slight discomfort at first, which is why you may want to opt for a softer, smaller cup at first. This is why so many cup newbies love our BeYou cup, as it’s a lot softer than most cups you’ll find on the market!

      If tearing your hymen doesn’t support your personal beliefs, culture or religious views, then you’ll probably want to stay away from any menstrual products that you have to place internally. All of these risk tearing your hymen, only because it’s such a thin membrane and can easily be torn.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Getting Started

      How do I measure my cervix, if I haven’t broken my hymen?

      Can a Menstrual Cup spill over inside me and leak everywhere?

      As your hymen is a stretchy membrane, it will accommodate and stretch around your cup or finger when you try to measure your cervix(it can sting a little bit, sometimes). So you can go on and measure your cervix just as you would usually, using the knuckles of your finger as an indicator of the height and size of your cervix.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      Can I use the Menstrual Cup if I have a small vaginal canal?

      Our soft BeYou menstrual cups come in different sizes that you can find on our cup size guide, which will help you with finding a cup that fits in with you, even if you think you have a small vagina.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      Can I use the Menstrual Cup if I have a large vaginal canal?

      You can take a look at our BeYou menstrual cup size guide for the different sizes and dimensions available and which one is most suitable for you, even if you think you have a large vagina.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      Can I use a Menstrual Cup if I pass large clots during my period?

      Blood clots won’t change the effectiveness of your BeYou cup. If you’re worried about leakages caused by large clots, then you can always empty your cup more often within an 8 hour period, but you’ll soon realise how often you actually need to empty your cup at different times of your period.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

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      Can I use a Menstrual Cup if I struggle with tampons?

      Inserting a cup and a tampon may seem like it’s the same thing, but these two products are very different–the shape of them should give that away!

      The cotton material and angle of a tampon can feel very painful and cause discomfort, especially with its absorbing properties. Where the BeYou Menstrual Cup is designed to be soft and smooth for you to be able to fold it and insert it easily inside of your vagina. You’ll quickly notice that a cup doesn’t leave your vagina feeling dry and irritated, after use. The size of a cup shouldn’t put you off trying it: it’s just like judging a book by its cover.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      Why are there different sizes of Menstrual Cups available?

      Why are there different sizes of Menstrual Cups available?

      We love that we live in a world where everyone is different, which is why different menstrual cup sizes are available. There is a cup for everyone!

      Many factors influence your choice of choosing your menstrual cup, starting with your cervix height, your personal preference and how your uterus is sitting in your body. This is why so many women find the cup liberating - it’s a great way to open up to yourself and get to know yourself that bit better, encouraging bodily empowerment.

      Which size Menstrual Cup do I need?
      The size of your BeYou menstrual cup will come down to the following factors: your current age and whether you have experienced childbirth so far. You can take a look at our size chart below, for more guidance or just ask us what we might suggest!

      Why are there different sizes of Menstrual Cups available?

      What are the dimensions of the BeYou Menstrual Cups?
      The BeYou cup is one of the softest menstrual cups you can find on the market and it’s perfectly sized for first-time cup users. You can get the cup in a size medium or large depending on your personal preference.

      Why are there different sizes of Menstrual Cups available?

      How do I measure my cervix?
      If you haven’t heard of the ‘knuckle rule’ by now, prepare to be amazed! We couldn’t believe it either, that there had been this trick that we’d missed out the entire time!

      You can use your knuckle to measure the different height of your cervix, throughout your period. This will help you decide how the cup will fit inside of you and may give you some clarity on any potential pain that you may have felt before. It’s simple, just stick a finger inside of you and see if you can feel your cervix. Your cervix may feel like a round ball or donut inside of your vagina. Once you’ve found your cervix, you can use our handy guide below to determine whether you have a low, average or high cervix, at the moment.

      What is a low cervix?
      A low cervix is if your cervix is reachable near the vaginal opening and you can only get your finger to reach the first knuckle on your finger when measuring your cervix. Your cervix will shift throughout your cycle, so there is nothing ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ about the height of your cervix. You’ll find that with a lower cervix, you might find a softer cup more comfortable for you. A smaller size menstrual cup may also be preferable to help avoid additional pressure placed on you. There are many options available to you, it’s just all about finding out which one fits comfortably within you.

      What is a high cervix?
      A higher cervix means that you can fit in all 3 knuckles of your finger into your vaginal space, before feeling your cervix. It’s likely that with a high cervix, you may not always be able to feel it, which means that just about any menstrual cup may be suitable for you. With a high cervix, you may want to look at getting a cup with a stem that you can use to remove the cup or it may be difficult to locate your cup at times.

      Which Menstrual Cup should I buy if I have a low cervix?
      A lower cervix will probably mean that you may want to look at cups that aren’t too long and stems that won’t stick out or irritate your labia. You can always trim the stem of your cup if you like, but as for the size and shape of the cup it’s best to stay clear from rather large sizes.

      Which Menstrual Cup should I buy if I have a high cervix?
      For a high cervix, you will need to think about how you feel the most comfortable in removing a cup. If you have a cup that is a smaller size, then you may need a longer stem to help you locate the menstrual cup. Or you can just opt for a larger size cup, if you find that more comfortable and easier when grabbing a hold of the base.

      Which Menstrual Cup should I buy if I'm over 25 but have a small vagina?
      You can take a look at our size guide and measure your cervix to find the ideal BeYou cup size for you! If you’re still unsure, you can always check up with your gyno or pop us a message and we may be able to help!

      Which Menstrual Cup should I buy if I'm over 25 but only use a medium tampon?
      Well, if you’re able to use tampons then you’re slightly more familiar with inserting something inside of you, so you should be fine with using a menstrual cup that fits in with our size guide. When switching from tampons to the BeYou cup, try different positions, folds and make sure you’re comfortable when you’re experimenting with inserting your cup! But technically speaking, if a baby’s head can fit down there, then a menstrual cup will be fine for you! If you’re worried, you can use some water-based lube on the tip of the cup, to help.

      Which Menstrual Cup should I buy if I'm over 25, have had children, but have only been able to use small tampons?
      You may want to consult your gynecologist, as there may be a reason as to why you can only use small tampons, especially after having children. If you’re concerned about the cup fitting inside of you, the best is to measure your cervix, look at our size guide and if you’re still unsure, chat to your doctor.

      Which Menstrual Cup should I buy if I'm over 25, have had children, but have only been able to use medium tampons?
      If you’re concerned about the cup fitting inside of you, the best way to approach the situation is to measure your cervix, look at our size guide and if you’re still unsure, chat to your doctor. A cup is quite different to a tampon, so you may find that once you’ve measured your cervix, you’ll feel more reassured as to what size to go with.

      I’ve just turned 25 - which cup should I buy?
      You can decide which BeYou cup to choose by measuring your cervix and using our size guide to decide which cup you should go for.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

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      How do I buy the BeYou Menstrual Cup?

      You can buy our BeYou Menstrual cup online on our site and get free Next-Day Delivery or get it on Amazon, Cult Beauty, BeautyBay, WHSmith travel (in selected locations) and selected independent pharmacies.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      What is included with the BeYou Menstrual Cup?

      Your BeYou Menstrual Cup comes with a pouch to store, as well as a guide to using your cup. If you end up buying the Menstrual Cup Starter Pack, then you’ll also have the Menstrual Cup Foaming Cleanser to look forward to!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      What is the Menstrual Cup Starter Pack?

      What is the Menstrual Cup Starter Pack?

      Everything that you may be worried about with your menstrual cup is included in your Menstrual Cup Starter Pack from how to keep your cup clean, protecting your cup and how to get started with your cup.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      Do I need to buy the Starter Pack?

      It does work out better value for money, however, you’re perfectly fine to get started using just the cup and making sure to sanitise and cleanse your cup with soap and boiling water. Make sure the soap doesn’t irritate your natural pH balance, though!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Getting Started

      How do the sizes of BeYou Menstrual Cups compare to other brands?

      Can a Menstrual Cup spill over inside me and leak everywhere?

      You’ll easily find that the BeYou menstrual cup is one of the softest cups available on the market, which is perfect for beginners wanting to try the menstrual cup and those looking for a smooth and gentle experience. As we can’t speak for other brands, our BeYou cup is free from any toxic chemicals, BPAs, latex or dyes and supports an eco-conscious period.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      How many Menstrual Cups should I buy to last my full cycle?

      This is entirely up to you and depends on your daily routine! First find the right cup, before you go and buy two of the same and then you’ll have a clearer idea as to what your routine looks like when you’re on your period. From there, you will have an idea around how often you need to change your cup each day, if it’s simpler to have a clean one on hand or if you don’t mind using your Foaming Cleanser to do the cleaning, until you get home to your own personal sink! It’s entirely up to you!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      Do I need to buy different sized Menstrual Cups for different days of my cycle?

      You can decide whether you feel you need different sized BeYou cups, for different times of your cycle. By starting off with one and getting used to the position and fit of your cup, you will be able to take notice of how your cervix shifts over different days on your period. Measure your cervix every day and then make the decision on whether having multiple-sized cups will be more comfortable for you or if it’s unnecessary.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      Should I speak to a gynecologist before using a Menstrual Cup?

      Um, it’s entirely up to you! Are you already using other period products that you place internally, like a tampon? Then it may not be a problem to use the cup! Sometimes getting an appointment with your gyno can take aaages, but if you’re already planning to pop by to see them, then you may as well ask and ease your mind on the situation.

      If you are aware of a pre-existing condition and you’re concerned how a menstrual cup may affect that, then it’s definitely worth asking your gynecologist first. Your experience with the cup will be that much more enjoyable if you’re not sitting worrying about it.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      How quickly will my Menstrual Cup be delivered?

      The best news to you will probably be that all orders made from our site come with FREE Next-Day delivery!

      We know there is nothing like receiving your order as soon as possible, especially from BeYou!We ship all orders from our warehouse by the next day, if not sooner! From there it’s handed over to the respective courier company and delivery depends on their schedule, which can take anything from 2-5 days to deliver!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      Is the BeYou Menstrual Cup packaging discreet?

      If you’re worried about receiving your BeYou menstrual cup at your office, then it might help knowing that the parcel that it’s delivered in won’t give away what’s inside. However, the packaging of our BeYou cup itself will give away what’s inside. Maybe wait until you’re in a safe space to open the package and admire your new cup! Or if you want - show it to everyone!!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      Can I return a Menstrual Cup if I change my mind?

      As much as we wish you could, just like returning your underwear to a store, for hygiene purposes we can’t accept returns for a Menstrual Cup.That’s why it’s important to measure your cervix and refer to our BeYou size guide, to find the perfect fit for you! Of course, we understand sometimes it’s just not that simple! That way, if you’re still having trouble deciding, send us a DM and we’ll see how we can help you!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      My first Menstrual Cup has been unused in its bag for quite a long time, can I still use it?

      Your BeYou Menstrual Cup is made to last you for 10 years long! If you take care of your cup, cleanse, clean and sanitise it, then you shouldn’t be worried about using your cup again after a long period of time - it’s made to last!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      Is there anything I need to do to the Menstrual Cup before I use it?

      Is there anything I need to do to the Menstrual Cup before I use it?

      Yes, before using your cup you’ll want to make sure it’s in top condition. The air holes of your cup need to be open for it to help create a vacuum seal once you insert it.

      Before you use the cup, wash your hands and clean your cup with water and a soap that won’t disrupt your pH balance, and then boil it in a large amount of water for a few minutes to cleanse the cup.

      Make sure to fill your saucepan with enough hot water to cover the cup, or else it will burn at the bottom of the pan! You could always place the cup inside a whisk to prevent it from touching the bottom of the pan.

      Once your cup is clean, you’ll be all set and ready to get started on your new journey! We’re so excited for you and can’t wait to hear what you think!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Getting Started

      Why should I practice using the Menstrual Cup before my period?

      Let’s be honest, the inside of your vagina isn’t the easiest place to reach, especially when you’re trying to maneuver a foreign object as well! We can’t speak for you, but no matter how many kegel exercises we do, those muscles aren’t that talented!

      That’s why it’s better to practice before the big day: without any worries about making a mess, getting blood everywhere and the chance of leaking, only because you haven’t figured out the right fit for you–yet! You don’t need more on your plate during the time of your period, this can take that pressure off and help you feel more comfortable for when the big day comes!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Getting Started

      Can I use my Menstrual Cup if I have just started my period or am about to?

      Absolutely! You don’t need to wait until your period has arrived to use the cup, it’s perfectly safe at any time! You may want to add some lubrication to the cup, to insert it a little smoother, but it won’t leave you feeling dry like a tampon does on a light flow.

      That’s why we even recommend practising with your BeYou cup, before starting your period!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Getting Started

      What is the stem on a Menstrual Cup? Can I cut it?

      What is the stem on a Menstrual Cup? Can I cut it?

      What is the stem on a Menstrual Cup? Can I cut it? The stem of your cup is there to help you find the cup before you squeeze the base, but it’s not there for you to pull your cup out of you, that wouldn’t break the seal(Ouch!).You can use the stem to wiggle the cup around a bit, until you’ve got a tighter hold on the base of the cup, but just holding the stem won’t support the weight of the cup when it’s full. You’ll need to hold the base of the cup when you’re removing it, so it doesn’t tip over and spill.

      You can cut the stem of your menstrual cup if you find it’s irritating you or rubbing against your labia, but do this once you’re feeling comfortable with inserting your cup and positioning it. Then you’ll know just how much you might want to cut off from the stem, or if it’s even necessary. We hope we don’t need to say this, but don't make the cut while the cup is inside of you, though!

      With a high cervix, removing the cup without the stem might cause some difficulty, so be careful not to cut off too much. You can always start with too little and cut down more. Less is more :)

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Getting Started

      Should I wear a pantyliner or pad the first time I use my Menstrual Cup just in case of leaks?

      You don’t need a backup at all when you’re using your BeYou cup. You can if you want to, but you will soon discover that it’s pointless. You may want the backup protecting the first few times that you adjust to creating that vacuum seal to prevent leaks, then go ahead!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Getting Started

      Why are there small holes in my Menstrual Cup?

      The small holes on your BeYou Menstrual Cup are there for a few reasons. These air holes allow air to enter and pass when it comes to creating and breaking that suction seal which holds the cup in place. When you need to remove the cup, the holes will help with releasing the air in the seal, allowing it to change its shape for you to remove it easily. That’s why it’s important to keep those holes open and clean, for the air to pass through easily.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

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    • Back to Getting Started

      Why are there measurements on the side of the menstrual cup?

      Why are there measurements on the side of the menstrual cup?

      We find it so fascinating knowing how much we bleed every time! It’s such a great way to get to know more about your cycle and at what stage your flow is. You’ll also find that once you notice how your flow changes, you’ll be able to link a pattern to certain behaviours and how you’re feeling. So those measurements aren’t only a way to monitor your flow every time, but also a way to stay in touch with how your body is responding to your cycle.

      Tracking the measurement of your flow will help you take note of any peculiar changes , you’ll be able to tell if you’re starting to head into menopause or if you think you’ve developed a slight condition. Your period is a great way of tracking your health and can give your doctor some good insight into what may be occuring!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
  • Menstrual Cup Health

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      Menstrual Cup Health

      "Got a medical question? We’re here to help!"

    • Back to Menstrual Cup Health

      Are Menstrual Cups safe to use?

      If you feel safe to use a tampon or menstrual pad, then you’ll be surprised to know that the BeYou menstrual cup is an even safer option. The BeYou Menstrual Cup is not only certified by the Vegan society: it doesn’t contain any chemicals, toxins, BPAs or dyes(we can’t say the same for tampons) and are made from 100% medical-grade silicone.

      Medical-grade silicone is tested to be used in medical applications, making sure that it’s not harmful to living tissue and is safe to use inside of your body, if you follow the menstrual cup guide that comes with your BeYou cup :)

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Menstrual Cup Health

      Can you get Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) from using a Menstrual Cup?

      Toxic Shock Syndrome is rare, but can be a life-threatening condition and is mostly brought on by harmful toxins that are released in your body from certain types of bacteria. TSS can come from a type of bacteria that enters the bloodstream from an open skin wound, sometimes after from surgery or when you’re menstruating. TSS affects people of all ages and genders and needs to be treated as soon as possible.

      There are steps you can take to lower your chances of experiencing TSS as much as possible, and they go hand-in-hand with taking care of your personal hygiene and using trusted brands for period products, especially tampons.

      To lower the risk of TSS, make sure you are:

      • Thoroughly washing and cleaning your BeYou cup before your first use, and in between periods.
      • Wash your hands whenever you are handling your BeYou cup, to maintain hygiene.
      • Use your menstrual cup up to 8 hours at a time, then remove and wash it before reinserting it. That means you need to clean your BeYou cup at least 3 times a day.
      • Do not use a menstrual cup if you’ve experienced TSS before.

      If you do experience symptoms of TSS while wearing your BeYou cup, remove the cup as soon as possible and go seek medical advice immediately. Symptoms of TSS include: fever, headache, muscular soreness, vomiting and diarrhea or signs of shock, and will develop as quickly as 12 hours after surgery or 3-5 days after using an internal menstrual product.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

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    • Back to Menstrual Cup Health

      Can you get prolapse from using a Menstrual Cup?

      While this seems to be a concern for many, it has been said that there is no scientific or medical proof pointing in the direction to support that a menstrual cup can lead to pelvic organ prolapse.

      Basically, as you know, menstrual cups create a vacuum seal to help prevent leakage and movement. The problem is, many users end up straining their pelvic floor muscles to push the cup down for removal – or even just trying to yank it out forcefully. This hard yanking force can result in weakening the pelvic floor, meaning less support for your organs and a higher chance of prolapse.

      Our advice is the same as it’s always been – relax, break the seal first, and remove it gently without dragging on your organs!

      If you already do have pelvic prolapse, then a healthcare professional will be able to help you on whether it is safe for you to use a menstrual cup or not. By sticking to the User Guide that comes with your BeYou Menstrual cup, you are less likely to encounter any circumstances that can lead to pelvic prolapse from using a menstrual cup.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Menstrual Cup Health

      Do gynaecologists recommend using Menstrual Cups?

      When it comes to the professional advice of using a menstrual cup, it can be entirely dependent on your own personal situation. Menstrual cups are in many ways more beneficial and safer to use than tampons(cups don’t contain harsh chemicals or dyes), which is why if your gynaecologist is aware of you using those period products, then there shouldn’t be much of a difference when it comes to switching to a menstrual cup.

      If you follow our informative menstrual cup guide and clean your cup regularly, then the risks of using a cup are very small, just like all other menstrual hygiene products.

      Any discomfort or concerns will be driven by your own menstrual health and whether you have a high, low or normal cervix height.

      If you are unsure and would prefer to consult your doctor for more advice, then we definitely encourage you to! No one wants to feel uncertain when it comes to placing an object inside of your vagina!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Menstrual Cup Health

      Will using a Menstrual Cup increase or help to lessen my period cramps?

      Your BeYou Menstrual Cup won’t have any actual influence on your period cramps, but you may find that our softer cups won’t irritate your cervix like a tampon does. The BeYou cup is very soft and comfortable, causing cause less friction against your vaginal walls which can ease the pain experienced during your period.

      A tampon is also known to make your vagina dry, because it’s not only absorbing your period, but also the natural fluids that your body produces in your vagina. This can leave your vagina feeling quite dry and irritable, especially when you’re placing an object like a tampon inside of you–they can be quite abrasive to your sensitive vagina walls.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Menstrual Cup Health

      Will using a Menstrual Cup lighten my period?

      Our BeYou Menstrual Cup is completely made from medical-grade silicone and nothing else, therefore, the cup doesn’t contain anything that could influence your usual cycle. However, many of our cup users have suggested that they’ve noticed a lighter flow since using the cup. This may be due to the fact that a tampon has absorptive properties and has you believe that you’re losing a lot more blood than you truly are, so it could be that you will realise how much you truly bleed, now that you have an accurate way of measuring your period!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

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    • Back to Menstrual Cup Health

      Can I use a Menstrual Cup for postpartum bleeding?

      Your vagina is a very sensitive piece of tissue, even more so after you’ve given birth! That’s why you’ll find that your doctor will probably advise you to stay away from inserting any objects, like a menstrual cup, into your vagina for up to 6 weeks, until you’re given the all-clear in your postnatal check from your doctor. Until then, you may need to resort to using external menstrual products, such as pads or period pants.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

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      Will using a Menstrual Cup change the shape of my vagina?

      Your vagina is very flexible and is able to stretch and return back to its shape easily (this makes sense, if you think it’s meant to be able to push through an entire baby). That’s why a menstrual cup won’t change or alter the shape of your vagina permanently, it may just cause your tissue to stretch slightly and then return back.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      Can I use a Menstrual Cup for discharge or cervical fluids?

      Although there may be no difference in the collection between menstrual fluid and other vaginal fluids, menstrual cups haven’t been approved yet to be used to collect anything other than your period. Hopefully with time we’ll have more research to explain why!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

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      Will using a Menstrual Cup give me thrush?

      Your vagina is usually able to fight off thrush with your natural secretions. However, when you use a tampon it absorbs these secretions and leaves your vagina unprotected from the yeast-like fungus that leads to Thrush. This is why most cases of thrush in women are caused by using tampons.

      Because of the non-absorptive medical-grade silicone, BeYou menstrual cups won’t give you thrush, leaving the natural pH balance of your vagina undisturbed.

      Soap can also play a big part in the change in your natural pH balance. If you are using soap to clean your BeYou menstrual cup, then make sure that you are completely rinsing it out with water so that no traces of soap are left on the cup.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Menstrual Cup Health

      Can I use a Menstrual Cup after I give birth?

      No, you won’t be able to use a menstrual cup for around the first 6 weeks after giving birth.

      Your vagina is going to need lots of time to heal and return back from the stretching. Therefore, rather wait until you are cleared by your doctor at your postnatal appointment. Once you have the all-clear, you may find that you’ll need to look into getting a slightly larger cup size and finding the fold and fit that works for you! It’s a new time for you and your vagina now, it may take some time to discover these new tricks again!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

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    • Back to Menstrual Cup Health

      Are menstrual cups with colour safe to use?

      Yes, the dye in the BeYou menstrual cup is FDA approved and set inside the medical-grade silicone in a way that it doesn’t stand a chance to separate from the cup.

      Cheaper dyes can be found in other menstrual cups on the market and those may strain away over time. While you will only ever notice discoloration in your BeYou cup and that’s entirely normal! This has to do with the natural reaction between your bodily fluids and the silicone material–just give it a wash with a safe sterilizer and it will look good as new!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Menstrual Cup Health

      Menstrual Cups are made out of silicone, but isn’t silicone bad for my body?

      Medical-grade silicone that’s used in the BeYou Menstrual Cup is entirely different to the silicone that you think of when it comes to implants. Not only do they feel entirely different(our silicone is a solid material), medical-grade silicone is used within the medical industry and doesn’t have the ability to leak and expose your body to these types of molecules that say, a breast implant would. So you don’t need to worry about making that connection, you’re good!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

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      Do Menstrual Cups contain any phthalates or BPAs like some silicones and plastics do?

      Not at all, that's why they’re all-natural! Our BeYou cup is made from 100% medical-grade silicone and doesn’t contain any BPAs or toxic chemicals like phthalates. It’s not to say that these types of chemicals aren’t used in any menstrual cups at all, so always be aware of where you are ordering your cup from.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      Can I use the menstrual cup if I’m pregnant and spotting, or have discharge?

      We wouldn’t recommend using a menstrual product while you’re pregnant, unless your doctor has specifically said it’s safe for you and the baby. Your hormones and pH levels will be quite sensitive when you are pregnant and will need to stay clear from anything being inserted that could irritate it or cause an unexpected infection. You may need to discuss other options with your doctor first, to help you with spotting and discharge during your pregnancy.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Menstrual Cup Health

      There are other Menstrual Cup brands available - what makes the BeYou cup different?

      Before we released the BeYou Menstrual Cup, we did extensive research and got feedback from over 1,000 cup users to understand what everyone likes about the menstrual cup or what they would improve on.We at BeYou noticed that there are many women and menstruators that struggle with the firmness of a cup, especially as a first-timer. This is why we decided to make our cup extra soft, squidgy and flexible to take the shape of your vagina easily and prevent any irritation or applied pressure.

      It’s great for first-time cup users, not just the experts! You will also find that our stem is made so that it’s super flexible and doesn’t rub or irritate you, making the BeYou cup ultra-comfortable! And if you ever do have a question, our team of experts are just around the corner for you to ask!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Menstrual Cup Health

      Is the BeYou Menstrual Cup suitable for beginners?

      Oh yes, in fact the BeYou menstrual cup is the best for beginners, because of it’s ultra-soft and comfortable firmness, which makes folding and fitting your cup the first few times that much simpler and easier! If you’re new to your cup journey, then you may want to take a look at some of the different cup folds out there and our top cup tips!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Menstrual Cup Health

      What is the BeYou Menstrual Cup made from?

      The BeYou cup is made from super-soft and flexible medical grade silicone that’s safe to use for all skin types. Made from 100% medical-grade silicone which doesn’t contain any toxic chemicals, the BeYou cup will leave the natural pH balance of your vagina be.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Menstrual Cup Health

      Why is the BeYou Menstrual Cup so much cheaper than other brands?

      We didn’t want the price point of a menstrual cup to stop you from making the switch to a cup, which is why we’ve decided to make menstrual cups more affordable for anyone who is cup-curious!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Menstrual Cup Health

      Is the BeYou Menstrual Cup soft or firm?

      After we consulted with our focus group of a range of different women, we found that often the first struggle with a cup is linked to the firmness of it. Which is why we turned to providing one of the softest menstrual cups available on the market, great for anyone wanting to use the cup for the first time, not just experts!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Menstrual Cup Health

      Is the BeYou Menstrual Cup tested on animals?

      No, our BeYou Menstrual Cup isn’t tested on any animals and is completely cruelty-free, supporting a vegan-friendly period!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Menstrual Cup Health

      Where is the BeYou Menstrual Cup manufactured?

      Our BeYou Menstrual Cup is manufactured in the United Kingdom

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Menstrual Cup Health

      What is the difference between this and a Mooncup?

      Other than a difference in firmness and a lower price, any BeYou menstrual cup is fundamentally the same as any moon cup, period cup, or diva cup!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Menstrual Cup Health

      If a menstrual cup is smooth, is it a good thing?

      Smooth cups can be more comfortable and simpler to insert, than those with a certain texture around the body or rim of the cup. This can be useful when you’re struggling with some vaginal dryness or you’re towards the end of your period and need the cup to fit in a lot smoother. Other than that, it all comes down to your personal preference! What works for some, may not work for others. Which is why you’ll find a range of different types of menstrual cups out there, each one is different just like we all are.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Menstrual Cup Health

      Why am I experiencing UTI symptoms since using the Menstrual Cup?

      It’s possible to get an UTI infection, although it’s less likely that it’s from your menstrual cup and more that bacteria has transferred from your hands onto your cup, when you’re removing or inserting it. That’s why you always need to wash your hands both before and after you use your BeYou cup.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Menstrual Cup Health

      How do I avoid an infection when using the Menstrual Cup?

      How do I avoid an infection when using the Menstrual Cup?

      The best way to avoid any germs or infection is by making sure you keep your cup and yourself clean. And by this we mean washing your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap before you use your cup and after you’ve inserted the cup. This also goes for when you’re going to remove your cup.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      How do I prevent bacteria from getting onto my Menstrual Cup?

      Silicone is actually bacteria resistant, so you won’t need to sterilise your BeYou cup every time that you empty it out(unless you want to). You can use your BeYou Foaming Cleanser to easily rinse your cup out while you’re out and about, or just use toilet paper to give it a wipe. You can get by with sterilising your cup in between your cycles, making sure it’s always clean for your next cycle.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Menstrual Cup Health

      I wash my Menstrual Cup with a bar of soap and I think this has caused an irritation to my vagina and its pH levels.

      It’s quite common for your vagina to build up an irritation to soap, because the pH levels are so different from one another. You may want to look into using the Foaming Cleanser which is specifically formulated to keep your cup hygienically clean, without affecting the natural balance of your vagina and vaginal fluids. You can also look into liquid soaps or cup wipes that have a similar pH level of a normal vagina, which is between 3.8 and 4.5.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Menstrual Cup Health

      I’m experiencing a very itchy vulva/vagina since using a Menstrual Cup - am I allergic to silicone?

      If you’re experiencing an itchy vagina from the cup, it could be that you need to clean it and make sure there aren't any traces of soap or other materials left behind, as this can irritate your vagina. All of our BeYou cups are made from medical-grade silicone which should ose less risk of infection, but there is still a slight chance of developing an irritation. If you've tried cleaning your cup more intensely and the symptoms continue, it would be advisable to speak to your doctor and get further clarity on the situation.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Menstrual Cup Health

      How can I use my Menstrual Cup to tell if my flow is too heavy or too light to detect any underlying conditions?

      Our BeYou Menstrual Cup comes with a great guide as to how much blood is in your cup, which you’ll be able to keep track of the more you use it. Once you notice a pattern, you’ll quickly begin to notice any changes in the amount of your blood and depending on what the change is, you can look at speaking to your doctor about it, if you are concerned that it may be an underlying condition(this can also tie in with other symptoms you may be experiencing). Your period is a great way to monitor your health and take notes of any changes for your doctor!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Menstrual Cup Health

      How can I use my Menstrual Cup to track my health?

      You actually probably only lose around 30-60ml(2-4 tablespoons) throughout your entire cycle each month. Using the measurements on the side of your BeYou cup, you’ll be able to take note of how much blood you’re losing each cycle. Your BeYou cup can hold up to 15ml at a time, which means you could get about 4 full cups throughout your cycle.

      Taking note of your period patterns is a great way to get to know more about your cycle and at what stage your flow is. You’ll also find that once you notice how your flow changes, you’ll be able to link a pattern to certain behaviours and how you’re feeling.

      Tracking the measurement of your flow will help you take note of any peculiar changes within your health or behaviour; you’ll be able to tell if you’re starting to head into menopause or if you think you’ve developed a slight condition. Your period is a great way of tracking your health and can give your doctor some good insight into what may be occuring!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Menstrual Cup Health

      Removing my Menstrual Cup is quite painful due to vaginal dryness - what can I do?

      A water-based lubricant may just be your best friend, if you’re feeling very dry. If you’re bleeding heavily in your first few days you may not even need a water-based lube, because your flow will help create a smoother base. It may not cause any more pain than any other inserted period product, though, if anything, the BeYou Menstrual Cup is a lot softer than any regular femcare product, so this may work in your favour!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
  • Inserting your cup

    "Having some trouble with fitting it all in? Here are our tips and tricks!"

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      Inserting your cup

      "Having some trouble with fitting it all in? Here are our tips and tricks!"

    • Back to Inserting your cup

      How do you insert a cup with different positions?

      How do you insert a cup with different positions?

      Comfort is key and if you’re feeling comfortable, it’s going to be a whole lot easier to get your cup fitted in the right position. Your position will also depend on where you are; if you’re inserting your cup in a public cubicle or in the comfort of your own home.

      A squat-like position will give you the best access for getting your cup in a good position and there are a couple ways that you can do this:

      • You may want to sit on the toilet, similarly to a squat position and try inserting your cup from there. Keep a spare hand beneath you, to prevent the cup from falling inside of the toilet bowl.
      • If you feel a bit more comfortable with more space between you and the toilet seat, hover slightly over the toilet.
      • Prop your leg up on the toilet seat or bath tub
      • Propping up a foot on the toilet or tub to give you more space
      • Just squatting.
      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Inserting your cup

      How do you fold a Menstrual Cup?

      How do you fold a Menstrual Cup?

      Oh, folds are the best bit about your BeYou cup! Once you’re in the cup club, you’ll be discussing all sorts of different techniques and tricks to open up your cup inside of you.

      The fold of a menstrual cup is the trick to how you can get your cup to open up and seal against your vaginal wall. You’ll notice that our BeYou Menstrual Cup is one of the softest cups on the market and folds extremely easily, so you don’t need to worry about pushing this cup up inside of you just like that!

      There are so many creative cup folds out there and you may even end up inventing one for yourself! There is such a wide range of folds you can try, because ultimately our bodies are all so different! What may work for you, may not work for your friend, which is why sometimes it can be a bit difficult when you’re trying to find the one-fold-for-all!

      For a beginner, one of the first folds to go to is commonly the ‘Punchdown’, the ‘C fold’ or the ‘7 fold’, which usually help with getting your cup a little smaller than usual for you to insert it easily and comfortably. Once you’ve gotten the grips of those, you may try experimenting with different folds that you may find simpler or quicker to insert. It all depends on what works best for you! It’s between you and your cup :)

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Inserting your cup

      Where should my Menstrual Cup be positioned inside of me?

      Where should my Menstrual Cup be positioned inside of me?

      Your BeYou cup needs to sit comfortable within your vagina, the rim of the cup sealed beneath your cervical opening and against the vaginal walls, leaving a bit of space between the two.

      Your menstrual cup will fit slightly lower in your vagina than a tampon would. If the stem is sticking out, you can always trim it down slightly (do this once you’ve had more practice with your cup and you’re sure that it’s the stem and not the positioning of it).

      If you have a higher cervix, then you may want a longer cup that is easier to get a hold of when you try to remove it. A low cervix may be more comfortable with a smaller sized menstrual cup that isn’t pushed up too high. Your body will guide you with what position is best for you and your cervix, so don't ever force it!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
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      Can I use lube to help insert my Menstrual Cup?

      Oh yes, in fact we even recommend starting off with a water-based lubricant when you’re still getting used to using your BeYou cup! It will help take some pressure off of you about having to insert the cup and helping you relax.

      If you don’t have a water-based lube lying around, you can always use water as a natural lubricant! Just stay away from any oil-based lubes, they’ll break down the silicone in your cup over time, which won’t make it last long.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Inserting your cup

      Is it normal for my Menstrual Cup to not open up right away?

      Oh yes, this is completely normal! Getting that little sucker to pop open is the most fulfilling moment ever! If you can’t get your BeYou Menstrual Cup to open up and seal, then it could be that you’re either not inserting it in the correct position or you just need to get a hang of it. You can take a look at some of our simple tricks to open your menstrual cup for some more tips!

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Inserting your cup

      How do I get my Menstrual Cup to fully open out inside of me?

      How do I get my Menstrual Cup to fully open out inside of me?

      The opening bit of your menstrual cup can be tricky at times, and with the right fold for you, will only get simpler! If your menstrual cup won’t open, you may want to try some of the following steps:

      • Once you’ve placed your cup inside, start by trying to run your finger along the side of your cup and push it upwards to unfold and create a seal.
      • You can also pull the cup down a bit, allowing it to unfold and then push it back up inside of you to put it in place.
      • If all else fails, try using the ‘Grip and Twist’: firmly hold the base of your cup once you’ve put it in and then give a slight twist, causing the rim to open up.

      If you’re not sure that your cup has created a seal, then you can test it by holding the stem and gently pulling it downwards–if you feel a slight tugging, then your cup is sealed in place.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Inserting your cup

      What exactly is ‘the seal’?

      What exactly is the seal?

      The seal is a watertight vacuum that is formed when you insert your cup just below your cervix and get it to pop open against your vaginal walls. This will stop your cup from moving and leaking at any time that you’re using it.

      The seal is a watertight vacuum that is formed when you insert your cup just below your cervix and get it to pop open against your vaginal walls. This will stop your cup from moving and leaking at any time that you’re using it.

      Say hello to pad-free periods!

      Meet the super soft, leak-free BeYou Cup!

      Menstrual Cup
    • Back to Inserting your cup

      How do I get my Menstrual Cup to form a seal?

      Forming that seal is definitely the tricky part about getting to know yo