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We’re not one of those brands saying you’ll love being on your period, and everything’s going to be all rainbows and unicorns. But take it from these women; the patch can really help soothe your cramps. And let’s face it, every little helps (sorry Tesco!).

"LOVE this product!!! This is not a ‘want’ product anymore, this is a ‘need’! Well done again xxx" Rupa T.

"I've just tried your product and am honestly in love! ❤️I've suffered so long, having to take priscription pain killers regularly to combat the agony I'm in. Your product goes a long way in easing pain without the use of medicine, so thank you! The numerous friends who have bought it have given me such positive feedback. ❤️" @farrahtalsi

"After finally being diagnosed with #endometriosis I felt helpless until I found this product! @beyouperiod after the first time using it within 1 hour my pain was 90% gone! Of course there will still be some pain there as it's natural but I can't get my head around how amazing this product is!" lushlover_04

"I suffer with Endometriosis and ibs pain. First day wearing one today and wow definitely took the agony pain away. Will be ordering some more! Would recommend anybody to try these! X" Bekki S.

"This actually worked for my initial cramps and allows me to carry on with my day in peace! It's the perfect name "Be you" as it allowed me to by myself and not be the cranky, irritable person when it comes to the time of the month. More girls and women need to know about this, they should know that they have a natural option that actually works!" @riiaa.x