An open-book on Menstrual Cups
Aug. 05, 2020 kaylee germann
You may have stumbled across this weird-looking period cup when looking for an alternative to your usual pads, tampons and other period products. Allow me to introduce you to the menstrual cup.
What is a menstrual cup?
Menstrual cups now come in various shapes, colours and sizes, so there really is something out there for everyone.
The demand for menstrual cups from consumers continues to grow, as more and more brands are producing cups that come in all kinds of shapes, colours, and sizes.
Although we’re so excited to see so many cups with jazzy stems, bells and whistles, we sometimes think simple is best.
We want everyone to be able to use the BeYou Menstrual Cup. No one should feel scared or intimidated by using a cup. That’s why we have chosen the classic rounded ‘v’ shape for our cup.

Why is a menstrual cup so great?
Naturally Safe & Hygenic
Not only is the BeYou Menstrual Cup just reliable it is all incredibly hygienic! Just like most top-quality menstrual cups, the BeYou cup is made from medical-grade silicone and is free from any nasty toxins or chemicals, and won’t disturb the natural pH balance of your vagina.
Kind to you...
Menstrual cups are non-toxic, hypoallergenic, and made of medical-grade silicone which means they contain no nasty chemicals. Sanitary towels and tampons can contain dioxins, synthetic fibres and petrochemical additives, which The World Health Organisation recognises as dangerous to human health. Trust us, none of that is pretty! To make sure you have a happy and healthy menstrual cup, just remember to empty and clean your cup regularly, after use.
You can also make cleaning your cup a whole lot easier the BeYou Foaming Cleanser, which you can get with your BeYou Cup for just £20 in the bundle option. The natural soap nut extract of the cleanser, effectively traps and kills any bacteria on the cup’s surface, making it a simple experience when you need to clean your cup in public.

… and the environment too
Another reason why we decided to create our menstrual cup is the environment. The BeYou culture is built upon creating products that are not only good for your body but also Mother Nature too. Nasty ingredients that aren’t kind to planet earth, just aren’t our jam.
The BeYou Menstrual Cup lasts for up to 10 years, meaning you can drastically cut your period waste. It’s the perfect period product when it comes to supporting a sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle.
Over 25,000 tampons can be found on the world’s beaches every day, which creates litter and affects the biodiversity of the surrounding ecosystems. Using a menstrual cup, you will drastically cut the amount of waste you produce, meaning you can be that extra bit kinder to the planet!
The Cup Savings Calculator
Research shows that one woman can spend over £18,000 over her life on period products, with a large majority of that money going towards pads and tampons. Most menstrual cups are priced between £10-£30 and can last for a decade, instantly saving you wad loads of cash.
Oh, wait, there's more good news! Our cup savings calculator can do all the maths for you! The cup calculator can calculate how much money the BeYou Menstrual Cup will save but also how much the amount of waste you’ll be saving too. You can check out how much money you can save with our cup here!

Menstrual cups vs other period products
Menstrual cups are extremely discreet and comfortable, wherease you may find that many other period products aren’t as secretive.
You’ll find that because the cup is inserted inside of you, it’s less likely to shift or leak, thanks to the tight suction seal formed by the rim!
Unlike pads and tampons, you can wear a menstrual cup for up to 12 hours at a time, depending on how heavy your cycle is and what day of your flow you’re on (you may want to empty it out every 4 hours though).
And if you’re an avid pad-user looking to switch to the cup, then you can say goodbye to the dreaded thigh-chafing caused by pads due to friction.
Like with most things, it does take some time to adjust! It can take up to 2-3 cycles to get used to your new menstrual cup, and even once you’re a cup expert, you may discover a different cup fold.

Get to know yourself. All of yourself!
Moreover, we would love more women to be self-aware and gain a better understanding of their cycles and their bodies. Using a menstrual cup will encourage you to discover new parts of yourself and your body; which is actually a great deal as to why so many have turned to menstrual cups. The menstrual cup is another step towards encouraging period positivity, bygetting to know yourself a little more and embracing a natural occurance, on a level that is commonly left unexplored. A menstrual cup can help bring down a boundary set up between ourselves and our own bodies. It’s a step in so many right directions!