Will pelvic health physio help with vaginal health?
Dec. 17, 2021 Sarah Tella
Yes. Actually, I believe it could do if you see the right pelvic health physio.
You may have something called bladder pain syndrome, where the bladder becomes hypersensitive to urine and you have a long, low grade infections. Although you've been tested for UTI, it may have been hidden, it's really hard to say without seeing someone specific.
And you want someone with pelvic health that's got a good MDT, which means multiple disability team around them so they can refer you to other people if that's needed as well. Another really good pelvic health physio has done loads and loads of stuff about this. I've done her course it's called Jilly Bond, and she's brilliant. So I would look at her website. She's got loads of videos, loads of free resources. And that may be a good place to start.